What is Sound Therapy?
Sound Therapy is a non-invasive therapeutic modality that can complement a journey of healing and self-care, by harnessing the healing powers of sound frequencies. The calm soothing therapeutic frequencies of sound help promote deep relaxation. Voice and special instruments are used in a relaxing therapeutic way. The ancient Greeks discovered that certain types of sound could cure mental disorders (1) Sound naturally synchronizes with the brain waves, influencing the nervous system to achieve a profound level of relaxation that restores the balance frequencies of the human cells.(2) This then helps the body to reduce the release of cortisol and adrenaline from day-to-day stress. There are many therapeutic instruments that are used some include tongue drums, singing bowls, chimes, tuning forks, rain sticks, gongs drums, and voice.
Sound therapy is a safe form of therapy and is about harnessing the vibrations of sound to calm your mind and body. A troubled mind can make the body sick, the sick body troubles the mind. (3) The vibrations of sound can help to release energy and emotional blockages in the body inducing a state of balance and harmony that alters the brain waves. (Everything has a frequency, our thoughts, parts of our body, emotions, pain, or disease. It’s important to realize therefore that sound is actually a form of nutrition. When people take in beneficial frequencies, like in sound therapy, it’s like getting a whole body and mind tune up.
It takes people into very deep brain wave states, often even deeper than sleep. It’s common for people to feel more deeply rested than they ever have and completely rejuvenated and revitalized.
It’s also important to learn that we “hear” not only with our ears but with our whole body. Sound waves during a Sound therapy session travel deep into the body, even bone deep. In fact, we hear with our entire body.
What to Bring: A zero gravity chair or a yoga mat or thicker to lay on floor. A pillow for your head and maybe one for under your knees. Your favorite cozy blanket and water.
Sound & Breath Journey ~ Feb 21, 24’
Also offering One on One Sound Therapy with Drums, Tibetan Singing Bowls and multiple frequency instruments. Search www.healingrmw.ca for pricing and to book.